If you want to know if they provide the best services in your location, get a comprehensive comparison against their competitors using our broadband comparison tool here at CompareBear.
Why sign up with Connecta Rural Broadband?
Connecta NZ is part of a bigger company that has reliable networks, so getting a stable and uninterrupted coverage shouldn’t be much of a worry – even if you plan to travel constantly.
They’ve diversified their offerings to provide a personalised experience. Most of all, Connecta NZ doesn’t have hidden charges.
How do I contact Connecta NZ?
Contact them on 0800 002 643, or through their email at [email protected].
If you want stable coverage and the best speeds in your rural abode, check out Amuri.Net’s broadband plans here at CompareBear.
How do I get Connecta in my property?
You can start by logging on Connecta website, fill out your details, sign and submit. An agent from their team should contact you to book a technician and attend to your request.
Does Connecta have VoIP?
Yes. Connecta provides specialised Voice over Internet Protocol as well as voice and data services. You can benefit from their modern phone lines for only an additional $10 per month on your broadband plan!
They also have plenty of internet connectivity solutions using a range of different technologies such as 4G LTE, WiMAX, and WiFi.
Can I get additional data when I run out of data?
Yes. Connecta NZ offers one-off data packs. Available packs are; 10GB for $14.95; 20GB for $27.95; 50GB for $59.95
What happens if I go over my allocated data cap?
You will be charged at $1.95 per GB or you can get additional data packs with Connecta NZ.