There comes a time when you feel like your car insurance policy may no longer be working out for you. It’s not always motivated by bad experiences with your insurer; sometimes, it just feels like the service you get is way too limited for the price. Or maybe you need a better provider with cheap car insurance that offers value for money? In any case, consider the following scenarios as hints for when to switch car insurance in NZ.
This scenario may just be the best time to switch! You’re already in the best position to leave your current car insurance policy and browse for a better one. Shopping around can help you find a cheap car insurance option that works well for you.
You may not think of a life-changing event like settling down with a partner as a consideration in choosing car insurance but it is. When it comes to coverage and inclusions, what worked for you when you’re single may no longer be sufficient when you have a partner. Some car insurance policies provide additional cover for another driver which is a great deal to protect your spouse as well.
Different car models come with their own associated risks. Budget compact cars are easier to repair and find parts, but they’re also susceptible to theft as they can be chopped up and sold off faster. When you shop for a new vehicle, consider shopping for a new insurance policy as well. Your new vehicle may require a more comprehensive cover with the necessary additions. So make sure to browse around and see offers from different providers.
Getting into an accident or a traffic violation on the road can greatly increase your premiums. If you’ve been involved in one recently, it may not be a good idea to switch policies right away. Most of the time, your premium is only recalculated during renewal time which is when your recent accident will come into play. If you change right away, you’ll immediately pay for the new premium rather than the original one you had prior to the switch.
Leaving your job is a significant change in your life and your schedule. Changing your daily commute means your car insurance premiums change as well, as you no longer need to drive so much, reducing your risk level. If you no longer use your vehicle that much, then you may want to shift to a cheaper policy with less coverage. Consequently, if you left your job to pursue a business that involves even more driving, you may actually want to shift to a plan with better coverage.
Regardless of your circumstances, making the switch to a better provider doesn’t have to be complicated. There are plenty of cheap car insurance policies in NZ that don’t compromise on cover and flexibility, and it’s easy to find them too! At CompareBear, we compile all the best policies from the leading providers, allowing you to compare their costs and details side by side. Give our comparison tool a try today and see how convenient switching can be!